Wireless industry reps worry Maryland will become 'doughnut hole' of 5G readiness

During last week’s Future of Wireless Connectivity, Innovation and Investment breakfast briefing hosted by the Greater Baltimore Committee, Crown Castle government relations manager Richard Rothrock participated, noting Crown Castle “has already deployed between 600 and 650 small cells in Baltimore.” He added that “small cell tech can be attached to existing light or utility poles already erected in an area, providing greater connectivity in densely populated areas.”

Read full article here.


Hampton officials host heated public hearing on proposed wireless communications

Last Wednesday, Hampton Township Council hosted a public hearing on the installation of a Crown Castle small cell in a public right of way located on property owned by residents Charles Cubarney and his wife. "Regardless, Crown Castle has complied with all of Hampton Township&rsqu...

Crown Castle CEO sees growing opportunities with 5G in the US

At a recent conference call with investors, Crown Castle’s Jay Brown discussed the growth opportunities for Crown Castle following the implementation of 5G infrastructure. "We expect the elevated level of tower leasing to continue into next year. As 5G becomes a reality and ...

Crown Castle to hold town hall to discuss cell phone antenna

Amid disputes from residents over Crown Castle’s intentions to build a 33-foot antenna on a utility right-of-way in a residential neighborhood, Crown Castle "has scheduled a town hall meeting to answer questions about the company’s plans…" The article noted that...

North Denver to get 500 new 30-foot-tall cell poles

Companies have built 163 freestanding cell poles around Denver in recent years, according to city permitting data, and they have requested permits for about 350 more. The towers are meant to improve current cell service and will form the backbone for higher-speed technologies. Sco...

West Covina denies ‘small cell’ towers in residential neighborhoods

West Covina denied a proposal by Crown Castle to add five small cell sites to residential neighborhoods throughout the area. At issue was the aesthetic appeal of the small cells, with residents stating that Crown Castle should "submit specific designs for approval and that the Cit...

5G cell service is coming to Charleston

Crown Castle is set to deploy 5G infrastructure throughout Lowcounty, South Carolina. The article includes notable commentary from Crown Castle’s Ann Brooks, who states: "I believe 5G is going to be transformative for society." Brooks discusses the benefits of small cells th...

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