Wireless industry reps worry Maryland will become 'doughnut hole' of 5G readiness

During last week’s Future of Wireless Connectivity, Innovation and Investment breakfast briefing hosted by the Greater Baltimore Committee, Crown Castle government relations manager Richard Rothrock participated, noting Crown Castle “has already deployed between 600 and 650 small cells in Baltimore.” He added that “small cell tech can be attached to existing light or utility poles already erected in an area, providing greater connectivity in densely populated areas.”

Read full article here.


OPINION: WIA — A driving force behind the wireless industry

AGL Media Group reported on peripheral platforms, noting that a new fiber working group, chaired by Crown Castle, has been formed to work on getting transport capabilities for the emerging 5G platforms.

City commission says no to proposed 31-foot tall cell network antennas on North Shore

The Pittsburgh Art Commission said no to Crown Castle’s proposal for cellular network antennas on the North Side that would raise several telephone poles to 31 feet – a project that attracted opposition from the mayor’s office. Crown Castle proposed the small cel...

How warp-speed wireless will transform business

Chicago is one of the first U.S. markets to get 5G. However, it will take time – likely several years – before coverage is widespread enough to be really useful. Crown Castle, which installs equipment and leases it to various carriers, received more than half the permi...

NATE news bulletin video promotes jobs training legislation

NATE released a News Bulletin video designed to promote the Communications Jobs Training Act of 2019 workforce development legislation that has been introduced in Congress. The legislation amends the Communications Act of 1934 to provide funding for job training to enhance communi...

Inside the 5G small cell opportunity: Big & messy

This article discussed the opposing viewpoints of Crown Castle and American Tower on small cell installation. "We are excited about the significant investments we are making to build new fiber assets as we pursue this expanding small cell opportunity," said Crown’s Jay Brown...

Telecom companies get OK to install 5G antennas

Last Tuesday, Miami-Dade County lawmakers gave the OK to Crown Castle, Verizon and AT&T to install small cell technology throughout the area. County commissioners voted unanimously May 7 to allow the three telecom companies to attach the small cells to county property on public ri...

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