Wireless industry reps worry Maryland will become 'doughnut hole' of 5G readiness

During last week’s Future of Wireless Connectivity, Innovation and Investment breakfast briefing hosted by the Greater Baltimore Committee, Crown Castle government relations manager Richard Rothrock participated, noting Crown Castle “has already deployed between 600 and 650 small cells in Baltimore.” He added that “small cell tech can be attached to existing light or utility poles already erected in an area, providing greater connectivity in densely populated areas.”

Read full article here.


City of Branson working on new ordinance ahead of 5G technology

The City of Branson is drafting an ordinance to control the design, permits and overall appearance of small cells in public right-of-ways. City Attorney Chris Lebeck said that to bring 5G to the city, carriers will set up "small cell" systems, and that "they welcome the new high-s...

Gov. Lamont wants CT to be a leader in 5G mobile networks, but his aspirations face significant hurdles

In his inaugural State of the State address, Connecticut Gov. Ned Lamont said he wants Connecticut's cities to be the first in New England with access to fifth-generation, mobile networks. In his remarks, Gov. Lamont said, "The telecommunication companies are ready to start buildi...

If 5G is so important, why isn’t it secure?

Former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler published an op-ed stating, "We cannot allow the hype about 5G to overshadow the absolute necessity that it be secure." Wheeler said the our wireless networks are not as secure as they could be since cyberattacks were "not a front-and-center concern...

Seoul and SK Telecom to use 5G to prevent jaywalking

Seoul and SK Telecom plan to develop "cooperative-intelligent transport systems" that will utilize 5G and car telecommunication to increase safety, the two companies announced. They will install 5G and sensors at major roads in South Korea's capital. They will also supply 5G Vehic...

Need for data has region preparing for upgrade

Pennsylvania is preparing for the rollout of 5G cellular data service, where Crown Castle East Area director Karmen Rajamani said "people are using their devices in a different way now. When you first started, it was to make phone calls — not a lot of data demand there. But, incre...

Sprint preps Atlanta for 5G with massive MIMO deployment

Sprint’s "bridge to 5G"—a technology known as Massive MIMO—is going to be out in full force during the Super Bowl in Atlanta next month. "It’s full of all kinds of goodness," said Heather Campbell, network director for the southeast region at Sprint. "It’s allowi...

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