Wireless industry reps worry Maryland will become 'doughnut hole' of 5G readiness

During last week’s Future of Wireless Connectivity, Innovation and Investment breakfast briefing hosted by the Greater Baltimore Committee, Crown Castle government relations manager Richard Rothrock participated, noting Crown Castle “has already deployed between 600 and 650 small cells in Baltimore.” He added that “small cell tech can be attached to existing light or utility poles already erected in an area, providing greater connectivity in densely populated areas.”

Read full article here.


DeSantis's economic transition team talks 'smart infrastructure,' 5G wireless and smart cities

Governor-Elect Ron DeSantis’ economic transition team held a conference call this week to pitch suggestions that will drive Florida’s economy going forward, including WiFi signals on highways, statewide 5G cell phone service and ‘smart cities’ friednly to a...

2019 is looking good for the tower industry

Tower companies may continue to see revenues increase from network build-outs. According to Wall Street analysts, "The good times appear set to continue for the nation’s tower companies – including Crown Castle, SBA Communications and American Tower…" Some facto...

Firms hired to make Memphis 'Your name here' Convention Center a reality

The Memphis Cook Convention Center "approved hiring a pair of firms to study how much naming rights to the soon-to-be renovated convention center would be worth and then to market those rights." The study is intended to help maximize opportunities for the city’s growth. In o...

Put new cell devices underground, Palo Alto board rules

Crown Castle is working with city planning staff "to find a way to fulfill the board’s recommendation to vault equipment" as it looks to lease new cell towers to Verizon in Palo Alto, CA. The city commission "is no longer convinced that when Verizon says it can’t place...

Snyder signs bills to ease shift to 5G wireless technology

Michigan Gov. Rick Snyder signed legislation to "establish statewide regulations and fee limits for the installation of a dense network of ‘small cells’ on telephone poles, traffic signals and other infrastructure." The measures "are backed by carriers such as Verizon ...

AT&T expands fiber to a dozen more metros — boosting its 5G efforts

AT&T "unveiled 12 new metropolitan areas for its fiber service part of a push that should help the next-generation of wireless networks, as well." The company said more cities will get ultra-high-speed broadband options, bringing its total to 84 in the U.S.

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